Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Come on out and Bowl for Bowels.

I have Crohn's and my buddy, Mo, here has Colitis. Help us find a cure for our diseases.

If you need tickets to the Bowl for Bowels fundraiser on June 26th. You've come to the right place.

We will be bowling for bowels on June 26th at 3D Bowl in Island Lake, IL from 4-7pm.

We will have unlimited bowling with shoes from 4-6. There will be food and fun from 4-7pm. We will raffle off some items and have some silent auctions. There will also be face painting and balloons.

I suffer from Crohn's Disease. Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis are very painful diseases that attack the digestive tract. It can be embarrassing to talk about because a lot of people suffer from diarrhea and blood in their stool. In my case I throw up for hours on end. There is no cure for these diseases just ways to manage it. I am raising money to help fund research, which we hope will ultimately find a cure.

Over 80 cents of every dollar I raise will go to the cause. I am training and then will run a half marathon in California on July 17th. I am doing it to raise awareness about the diseases and I am racing it to show myself that I am bigger than this disease. I may have this disease, but I will not allow it to have me.

I am also running this race for my 8 year old friend, Mo, who has had Ulcerative Colitis for most of his life. Please help us find a cure.

Pre-sale tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for kids 12 and under.

At the door they are $20 for adults and $15 for kids 12 and under.

I will be outside the Jewel in Wauconda on June 24, 25, and 26th collecting donations, selling raffle tickets, and selling BOWLING FOR BOWELS tickets.

You can send a check. Please email me for address.

You can pay for them on paypal. Please email me for paypal account.

Please include how many tickets you want and your address, so I can mail the tickets to you.

Email me with any questions at mommymeepa@aol.com

If you are unable to make it please feel free to donate directly to my fundraising page at:

TEAM CHALLENGE, Become one of my Crohnies today.

We'd love to see ya at the bowling alley.


  1. I saw your sign at the Island Lake Culver's. I was struck by the title "Bowling for Bowels". I thought to myself, "This is probably for IBS or something" and then I saw that you have Crohn's! I am 23 and have had Crohn's since I was 13-14 and I have never met someone else who has Crohn's. I have had my ups and way downs with Crohn's including two surgeries and a boat load of meds. I am inspired by you and it touches me to see someone else fighting the same battle. I felt bad for caving and buying fast food, but I'm glad I did. I will try to make it to 3D Bowl this weekend! I have a blog (I haven't updated in a few months...) http://ihavecrohns.tumblr.com/ here if you want to check it out!

    It's so great to see a fundraiser about Crohn's. I feel like no one has ever heard of it. :)


  2. Hi Theresa,
    I'm so glad you saw my sign and that you are thinking of coming. Don't be embarrassed to talk about Crohn's. I am very vocal about my disease and you would be surprised how many people either have it or know someone.

    If you have time today I will be fundraising outside the Jewel in Wauconda from about 9-5. I would love to meet you and maybe you can get encouraged by how many people that donate tell me they either have it or know someone.

    People are embarrassed to talk about it because it involves poop, bloody poop, throwing up, among other things. I have written funny songs about it. I joke about it. I make it easy to talk about.

    Here is my blog address:

    Here is my email:

    I am moving to Western Massachusetts, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends.

    Take care,
